QBio Symposium


QBio Symposium 2024

“Beyond Natural Organs: Innovations in Replication and Simulation” 

Welcome to the website of the QBio Symposium 2024! This year the symposium will take place on October 31st at the Utrecht Science Park.

In this yearly symposium, part of the Quantitative Biology (QBio) honours programme, we explore a subject from the point of view of multiple research disciplines. In particular, there is an emphasis on life sciences & natural sciences.

This year’s edition is about organs. We’ll cover both physical & and software-based organ models, for research purposes and real-world medical applications.

Registrations are now open!
Register here.

The schedule for the symposium is shown below. All talks are in Utrecht University Library on the Science Park, in the Mezzanine Boothzaal M0.3. Make sure to register to receive updates of the schedule by e-mail.

13:00 Room open
13:20 Introduction
Presentation 1
by dr. Sandra Loerakker (TU/e)
Presentation 2

by dr. Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad (TU Delft)

15:00 Break (with coffee and snacks!)
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
17:00 Wrap-up & drinks
dr. Sandra Loerakker
Sandra Loerakker is an Associate Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, within the Biomedical Engineering department. Her research group – Soft Tissue Engineering and Mechanobiology – focuses on modelling the mechanobiology of native and engineered tissues using integrated computational and experimental methods. She primarily focuses on understanding how mechanical factors drive soft tissue growth and remodelling at different spatial and temporal scales.

dr. Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad
Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad is an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology. He works in the Biomechanical Engineering department, and is a PI for the CardioVascular Biomechanics group.

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